A love story between Risa Shiroki and Hiroto Fukami. Twenty year old Risa Shiroki comes to Tokyo from her hometown in the countryside to attend university. Pretty and popular with male students, she has never had a boyfriend and dreams of having a sweet love. One day, thirty year old Hiroto Fukami appears in front of her. He is business man who appears to be gentle and looks perfect. As romance blossoms between them, Risa discovers Hiroto's dark past.
Genre: Drama
Stars: Dori Sakurada, Haruka Fukuhara
Crew: Hiroo Maruyama, Smith, Yūko Shimoda, Takara Akegami, Yuna Kamiura
Country: JP
Studio: MBS
Runtime: 25:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Jul 04, 2019
Last air date: Sep 05, 2019
Episode: 10 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 4.729