This story follows the journey of a family through a medical situation involving one daughter's need for a kidney (Jenny), her sister Maureen, and their parents. Through a series of failures in various sports, Maureen finds that she has a natural gift for running, and even breaks several world records. During this time, her little sister's kidneys begin to fail and she needs a transplant as soon as possible.
Genre: Family
Stars: Brittani Cal-Williamson, Jasminh, Sonia Parker, Blake Grantham, Andrea Bednar, Erik Ball
Crew: Blake Grantham (Director), Shelby Seiler (Editor), Jason Greene (Director), Blake Grantham (Editor)
Language: English
Studio: Damascus Road Productions
Runtime: 101 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jan 01, 2008
IMDb: 10
Keywords:christianity, track and field