A feature-length animated film released in theaters in 1990. The main character, Kyosuke, whose father is the head of the gang Murata-gumi, pushes forward through a turbulent and turbulent life in search of a new way of life for a man. Kyosuke tries to live a life completely different from his father's because of his repulsion and self-reliance. The original is a masterpiece chivalrous manga of the same name by Hiroshi Motomiya, a master who has continued to ask the world about the way men live.
Stars: Shuichi Ikeda, Sakiko Tamagawa, Ikuya Sawaki
Crew: Kouji Matsuyama (Key Animation), Koji Yasuda (Key Animation), Akira Shinoda (Key Animation), Hiromi Naganawa (Key Animation), Nobuhiro Masuda (Key Animation), Kenji Takeguchi (Key Animation)
Country: Japan
Language: 日本語
Runtime: 50 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Apr 14, 1990
IMDb: 10