Pete's PA
Pete's PA was a British reality television series that originally aired on Living from 8 October 2007 to 5 December 2007. The show followed musician and Dead or Alive frontman Pete Burns as he hunted for a new personal assistant. He was aided by celebrity PA Donna Coulling and psychologist Dr Rob Yeung. Filmed over ten weeks, the potential PAs were pitted against each other in a series of challenges. The ten episode contest concluded with a former criminal psychologist, Nicky, winning the competition.
Genre: Reality
Stars: Pete Burns
Crew: Randy Barbato, Fenton Bailey, Simon Darlow, Mike Amos
Country: GB
Studio: Sky Living
Runtime: 60:45 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Oct 08, 2007
Last air date: Dec 10, 2007
Episode: 10 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 10
Keywords:competition, personal assistant