Bukas Na Lang Kita Mamahalin is a Philippine television drama broadcasting on ABS-CBN and worldwide on The Filipino Channel. The series premiered on September 2, 2013 on ABS-CBN's Primetime Bida block, starring Dawn Zulueta and Gerald Anderson. It centers around the life of lawyers, politicians, jail breakers and how much mothers are willing to do to protect their sons.
Genre: Drama, Crime, Action & Adventure
Stars: Gerald Anderson, Dawn Zulueta, Cristine Reyes, Diana Zubiri, Rayver Cruz, Tonton Gutierrez
Crew: Jerome Chavez Pobocan, Maya Manuel-Aralar, Philip King, Joel Mercado, Jon Villarin, Trina N. Dayrit
Country: PH
Studio: ABS-CBN
Runtime: 45:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Sep 02, 2013
Last air date: Nov 15, 2013
Episode: 55 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 10