It's A Big Big World is an American children's television show on PBS Kids, that debuted January 2, 2006. It was originally part of Miss Lori and Hooper's schedule block, but it was replaced in that block on September 3, 2007, though it still airs as part of most stations' PBS Kids lineup. The show revolves around a group of animals living in the rainforest. The main character is Snook the sloth.
It is taped at Wainscott Studios at the East Hampton Airport industrial complex in Wainscott, New York.
Genre: Animation
Stars: Peter Linz, Melissa Creighton, Tyler Bunch, James Godwin, Aimee Garcia, Tim Lagasse
Country: US
Studio: PBS Kids
Runtime: 30:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Jan 02, 2006
Last air date: Apr 20, 2007
Episode: 40 Episode
Season: 2 Season
IMDb: 3.6
Keywords:jungle, discovery kids