The story of the Herreras, a middle-class family living in Santiago of Chile. The plot is set between 1982 and 1989, in the military dictatorship, and revolves around historical events during the 80's, especially the economic crisis of 1982 and the 8.0 magnitude earthquake in Santiago.
Genre: Drama
Stars: Daniel Muñoz, Tamara Acosta, Lucas Bolvarán, Tomás Verdejo, Loreto Aravena, Katty Kowaleczko
Crew: Patricio Pereira, Alberto Gesswein, Andrés Wood
Country: CL
Studio: Canal 13
Runtime: 54:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Oct 12, 2008
Last air date: Dec 21, 2014
Episode: 78 Episode
Season: 7 Season
IMDb: 3.2
Keywords:pinochet regime, 1980s