Tomio, a college student, lives in a Western-style house where strange people live, such as his landlady Yukiko and her older brother Kishi, the crook Hosoda, and his idiot wife Tamae, Miyamoto, who lost both legs in the war, his mistress with tattoos, Nozawa, who has no energy, and Shizue, a lover with heart disease. Detective Harada recently discovered the strangled corpses of four women, and while the local residents are suspicious and conducting a secret investigation, a strange incident has occurred, and suspicion falls on Tomio...
Stars: Mai Hana, Kiyomi Itō, Nana Sahara, Anzu Furukawa, Yuji Miyake, Tetsurô Tamura
Crew: Kan Suzuki (Editor), Tôri Higashiyama (Assistant Director), Toshiaki Iwanaga (Assistant Director), Masaki Okamoto (Assistant Camera), Yôichi Ôta (Music), Akaji Maro (Director)
Country: Japan
Language: 日本語
Runtime: 61 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jul 01, 1984
IMDb: 9