Space Dogs is an epic new musical that tells the mind-blowing true story of Laika and the Chief Designer - a stray dog and the top-secret Russian scientist who sent her to space during the Cold War. Written and performed by actor-musicians Van Hughes and Nick Blaemire, it is a sweeping, kaleidoscopic tale of invention, betrayal, international political intrigue, and the immortal friendship that exists between man and dog, as they journey together to the stars.
Stars: Van Hughes, Nick Blaemire
Crew: Ellie Heyman (Director), Joe Lukawski (Director), Van Hughes (Writer), Nick Blaemire (Writer)
Country: United States of America
Language: English
Studio: MCC Theater, HMS Media, BroadwayHD
Runtime: 93 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Sep 15, 2022
IMDb: 10