The story follows Paprika, an American exchange student on a "homestay" in Japan and her friend, Juicy, who have to deal with the arrival of Paprika's obnoxious cousin, Chibiham. Chibiham is determined to have a good time while visiting Japan, but she's oblivious to cultural differences and runs roughshod over the locals - complaining about the food, picking fights with store clerks, and otherwise making a nuisance of herself. Will Juicy's mother be able to set Chibiham straight?
Stars: Mika Hijii, Noa Iwasawa, Dai Ohyama, Akiko Iwase, Shayna, Jennifer Loyd
Crew: Riki Ohkanda (Original Story), Reiko Honjo (Screenplay), Wataru Yokoi (3D Modeller), Aiko Matsushita (Screenplay), Riki Ohkanda (CG Supervisor), Katsuyuki Iwasaki (Character Designer)
Country: Japan
Language: 日本語
Studio: Studio Ains
Runtime: 69 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Sep 24, 2022
IMDb: 10